CBS News reported that the State of New York has revealed its execution of a brand-new, high-tech methods of trying to reduce the variety of wrong-way thruway crashes. In 2012 alone, there were 17 fatalities and 15 mishaps on the Thruway in 2012, and while those numbers show the safest year to this day according to Governor Andrew Cuomo, the State is working to make the Thruway even more secure.
“It’s nice to see local authorities using technology to prevent disaster and save lives,” said Jay Levin, Senior Editor at “It is amazing how ofter people end up driving in the wrong direction down busy streets or highways. The implementation of this new program is sure to save lives and, hopefully, become a model for other cities and states.”
The security system being put in location makes use of Doppler radar, fancy LED indicators, and mobile phone text alerts to warn motorists that they are heading the wrong way. Doppler radar will be utilized to spot automobiles driving in the wrong direction, which will then trigger a flashing LED indicator to alert the motorist to pull over and reverse when he or she can do so securely. Various other motorists and local will be informed too that there is an automobile taking a trip in the wrong direction. Governor Cuomo and other officials welcomed the brand-new system, noting that New York is the first state to utilize this innovation to boost traffic safety that is made to conserve lives.
Winter Survival Tips In The Event Of An Accident
- Plan Before You Travel - Simple planning can save you trouble and even save your life.
- Prepare Your Vehicle - Be sure your vehicle is in good winter driving condition. Take along the emergency equipment such as emergency mylar thermal blankets, water, snacks and auto safety tools as well. These tools should include an auto glass breaker and an emergency triangle. Also, keep your gas tank at least one-half full.
- Be Aware of the Weather - Listen to forecasts, road reports and storm warnings. Dress appropriately. Pack extra scarves and mittens. Allow extra time for trips in severe weather.
- Make Yourself Easy to Find - Tell someone where you are going and the route you will take. Report your safe arrival. If you stall or get stuck, tie a colored banner (from your winter survival kit) to your antenna or hang it out a window. At night, remove the cover from your dome light and turn the light on. Road crews or rescue units can see a small glow at a considerable distance. To reduce battery drain, use emergency flashers only if you hear approaching vehicles. Keep one person on watch; don’t let everyone rest at the same time.
- Stay in Your Vehicle - Walking in a storm can be very dangerous. You might lose your way or become exhausted, collapse and risk your life. Your vehicle is a good shelter.
- Avoid Overexertion - Shoveling snow or repositioning your car by pushing it takes a lot of effort in storm conditions. You could risk heart attack or injury. Take it easy.
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