VaporNation Releases Infographic Comparing Vapor Smoke to Blunts

Vaporization Vs. Combustion
Smoking with blunts and other paper based products release toxins not seen in vapor use.

A new vaporizer infographic brought to you by compares the relatively new form of enjoying aromas and tastes derived from plant material, vaporization, with the traditional combustion method. The infographic pictorially points out that not only is vaporization healthier for you, it is much more efficient in the use of the material and you have more control of the amount of active ingredients released. You can even control the amount of plant material you use in the vaporizer to the point that you can use the remainder of the plant in cooking if you wish. In the combustion method, the entire plant is burned up. Additionally, vaporizing is a much less messier process that requires little maintenance in the form of cleaning up afterward.

Vaporization occurs at only 300 degrees Fahrenheit and produces 95% less carcinogens than the combustion method, which occurs at over 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Combustion also produces smoke and ash that are difficult to clean up as well as nicotine and tar in the case of burning tobacco. Dangerous carcinogens can also be produced in this case including ammonia, nitric oxide, hydrogen cyanide and other synthetic chemicals as well as carbon monoxide. With the combustion method, the product is literally burned up rapidly while vaporizing allows you to control how much of the product you use over a period through temperature control.

Smoke also sticks to room surfaces, your hair and clothes; begging the question from your friends and colleagues, “What have you been smoking?” It also destroys 1/3 of cannabinoids because of high temperature burning, wasting your hard-earned cash. On the other hand, vaporization occurs at very low temperatures, preserving the material and the active ingredients. It also produces a light, unsuspicious sweet scent that dissipates quickly. The combustion method by its very nature is dangerous and has caused many house fires over the years. However, vaporizing never reaches the combustion temperature of 392 degrees Fahrenheit and runs on electricity, which is much safer. See these and other good reasons why you should switch to vapor on the infographic and on Vapor Nation.

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