November 27, 2013 - China - The composition of the Micro powder mill should be just same with other types of mill grinding machines. However, it is further innovation based on other normal type of grinding machine. Today, the China No.1 Raymond Mill and Micro Grinding Mill Manufacturer which website is will tell people the overall structure and advantages of the micro grinding mill.
MR Wang, who is the sales manager from, said:” Overall speaking, the micro-grinding should be mainly consisted by the host, blowers, fine analysis machine, finished cyclone powder collector, bag filter and connecting duct piping components. According to users’ needs, this machine could be also equipped with a helicopter, storage silos, cabinet, electromagnetic powder machine, crusher and other supporting equipment.” From the speaking of this sales manager, people could find that the composition of the micro grinding mill from is just like other normal grind machine.
Furthermore, the work process of the micro powder mill is also relatively simple. The mainly process could be concluded into below processes. The bulk materials which after crushing have been transported into the storage bin by the elevator. And then, by the electromagnetic vibrating feeder, these crushed materials have been evenly transported into the grinding chamber of hosts. After the former process, the material which had been put into the grinding chamber material would be lifted up by shovel blade and then these materials would enter into space between rollers and ring which would rub and crush these materials. After rubbing and crushing, the air will be blown into the grinding room and blow the powder into the analysis machine for sorting. The grinded materials which have not reached the standard fineness would be sent back to grinding chamber. Other qualified fine powder would be sent to cyclone powder collector. After the separation of powder and air, the finished products would be discharge from the discharge port.
Because the abrasive material which would be grinded in the grinding room has raymond mill certain moisture content, so it would produce some heat which could cause the moisture evaporating when in the grinding process. On the other hand, the unsealing of each pipe flange connection would cause into the inhaling of outside gas so the inner air circulation flowing would be increased. In that case, in order to make ensure micro powder mill does not work under negative pressure, the increased air flow over into the trachea through the bag-house fan and hosts. These materials would be flowed into the atmosphere after being purified.
Seen in this light, the application principle of the micro powder mill from should be the same as other grinding equipment. However, its functions and efficiency should be more and more superior than other grinding machine. The application field of the finished products would be more widely.
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About Guilin HongCheng Mining Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd
The Guilin HongCheng Mining Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd is the leading China manufacturer grinding mill for the high quality Raymond mill and Micro Powder Mill. Their more than 2000 successful cases would let you know their high manufacturing strength.
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