Woodstock, NY. The Enlightened Gambler, The Heart and Spirit of the Risk Taker in All of Us guides the reader through Marty Klein's world of gambling, seduced by the never ending excitement in the "land of uncertainty". The book encourages readers to step past the superficial and take a more conscious view of the motivating drive in all of us to take risks. In a lighthearted, sometimes laugh-out-loud, self deprecating style, the author playfully and willingly exposes his own vulnerability to the seductive, "I wrote this book, first of all, to point out that everybody gambles, but most people don't call what they do gambling. Some of the risks we take in life work out and some don't. Right? Well guess what? I call those risks gambles.
"I also wrote this book to help you laugh out loud about all the dumb moves I made as a gambler, and maybe, just maybe, after laughing out loud at my screw-ups, you'll sit back and take a look at your own. I say, if you want to play, you have to pay. One way or another. You either lose your stubborn defiance or you lose your shirt. So which one ya gonna choose?"
Here’s how Paul Smart, writer for the Woodstock Times, summed it up, "The Enlightened Gambler is a great mix of picturesque tales of lottery risks, casino tables, horse racing and television sports, mixed with hard earned aphorisms that indicate how all life is an element of risk taking, and all personal equilibrium a matter of self realization, confidence and perspective."
Klein’s point is that we all gamble. Most people, though, don't think of it as gambling. But it is. It’s not just semantics. Everybody makes numerous decisions each day of their lives. Some of those choices work out well, while others turn out to be disasters. Some of those decisions are minor, like getting stuck in traffic because you tried another route instead of your regular route. No big deal. However, some decisions turn out to be major, like buying a house, having surgery, or getting involved in a new relationship. If those decisions don't work out, our lives are deeply affected in a negative way. Those decisions or choices are gambles because you hope for the best but you really don't know how it's all going to work out. And sometimes we win—the house is great, the surgery went well and our lives are better off, or the new relationship is delicious. And sometimes we lose—the house has problems we did not foresee, the surgery did not go well and there were unexpected complications, or the new relationship is fraught with conflict and pain. It’s all a gamble!
The Enlightened Gambler is available now in paperback or as an eBook on Amazon and officially launched to #1 on Amazon on April 1, 2014. Visit http://enlightenedgambler.homestead.com/ for more information.
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