DealHijack Announces Deals, Discounts, Coupons and Savings on Luxury Lifestyle Offerings and Practical Services for all Occasions

Exclusive Deals and Coupons from DealHijack
Exclusive Deals and Coupons from DealHijack

A bad economy is no reason to give up on luxury or fun with the services offered by The daily deal aggregator is one of the fastest growing sites of its kind and a premiere resource for offers that allow members to live the good life without breaking the bank. The deal and coupon collector places offers on a single website for quick and easy access.

Users can take advantage of deals, discounts, coupons and savings on everything from dining and fashion to vacations. DealHijack assembles savings opportunities from well-known deal sites that include Groupon, LivingSocial, GiftCity and others. There’s no need to subscribe to multiple sites to receive pertinent offers. DealHijack’s daily newsletter delivers offers straight to members and the registration is absolutely free.

Coupon lovers and deal seekers in Canada and the United States can access deals in their local cities and communities. When users click on a deal, they’re directed to the website where the offer originated. Depending on the individual discount, savings range from 50-90 percent. Users can customize their deal list to filer offers by a variety of criteria, including category, location, popularity, price and time left to participate. Deal divas can also set the amount of the savings they’re seeking.

In an economy that’s less than optimal, many individuals have a limited amount of disposable income to indulge in luxuries or participate in the activities they enjoy. DealHijack provides a comprehensive listing of discounts, deals and coupons that allow individuals to live the lifestyle they desire on fewer funds.

Participants can select savings on a wide range of entertainments and amusements for a fraction of the typical cost. Users can choose to imbibe at an upscale wine tasting, see a Broadway play or attend a premiere sporting event. Those who prefer more hands-on activities can visit a waterpark or race go-carts.

Members don’t have to be foodies or gourmets to enjoy a variety of dining opportunities. Feeding the desire for fine food is easy with deals and discounts at eateries featuring exotic and ethnic cuisine. Those with children will appreciate the savings offered at restaurants serving burgers, pizza and subs that cater to families.

Those who need to soothe the soul can avail themselves of discounts on massages, spa treatments and yoga classes. Individuals who want to really get away from it all can book a weekend retreat at a luxury bed and breakfast or a vacation destination package. To rejuvenate the body and remove the outward signs of aging, visitors can pamper themselves with a facial package, laser hair removal and hyperbaric oxygen treatments.

DealHijack is a premiere, one-stop access for discounts, deals and coupons that enables anyone to live the fun and active lifestyle they desire, without the costly price tag. Customized deals are delivered to members each day, providing them with significant savings on the activities and services they want most.

For more information, visit the website at

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