Many people wrongly think that starving themselves is a great diet for losing weight. According to researchers, it is the very worst thing a person can do to lose weight. Starvation is not a diet, and will result in a weight gain. When the starvation period ends, the body will store as much as it can as fat cells, to be used as energy the next time it goes into starvation mode. The human body does not know that it is just going through starvation to lose weight. Other diet options should be considered.
Weight loss experts all agree that starvation diets are counter-productive, and are bad for a persons health. There is a psychological aspect to this type of diet. Going without food is very depressing, as the blood-sugar drops, anxiety sets in. There are all natural weight loss supplements that will actually raise Serotonin levels in the brain, which will elevate a person’s mood. Trying to lose weight has its own stress, and the loss of motivation creates a difficult situation for any diet to be sustained. For any type of diet to be successful, it must be one that can be sustained over a long period of time. Starvation cannot be sustained, as the longer it is attempted, the more damage it will cause in the body.
Food is fuel for the human body. Without fuel, just like an auto, it will not run. This type of diet will cause a feeling of being tired all of the time. Also a loss of energy, muscle and even hair-loss. When the caloric consumption drops very low, the metabolism slows down the rate that it burns calories in order to preserve its energy stores. This is a mechanism of survival, as the body is making sure it can survive the lack of food for as long a period of time as possible.
As the metabolism is retarded, the body will lose weight slower and slower until no more weight can be shed because so few calories are being burned. When a person begins eating in a more normal fashion, their metabolism is so slow that all the weight will return quickly. There is no reason to embark on a “starvation diet”, when an appetite suppressant is all that is needed to reduce caloric intake. Garcinia Cambogia Extract is highly recommended for weight loss.
For information on suppressing the appetite, please visit: NuVitality Natural Garcinia Cambogia Extract
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